For step by step instructions on how to apply please click here
Instructions: Provide as much information about yourself as possible to search for opportunities for which you may be eligible. For a more accurate list of opportunities you may be eligible for, please complete the General Application and review your Recommended Opportunities page.
Search by Keyword
What is your job title/occupation?
In what year did you receive your undergraduate degree?
Have you completed an Associate degree from Cape Cod Community College in the Funeral Service program?
Do you plan to attend graduate school?
Are you an Alumni of the Ron Burton Training Village?
Are you preparing to teach American History?
Are you housing insecure?
Student Permission - By typing my name and the date below, I agree to abide by all Bridgewater State University internship funding requirements. I also certify that all information provided in this application is factually accurate and verifiable by a neutral third party. Finally I give Bridgewater State University to use my name and photo for future internship promotions as well as other University communications.
What was your undergraduate GPA?
During which semester will your internship take place? (Check one)
Will you be returning to Bridgewater State University for the Upcoming Fall Semester?
Are you an international student from Cape Verde?
Please describe in detail your interest in global environmental issues.
Please describe your future career and how it is related to the political science discipline.
If you selected other, please indicate the dates you will be participating in your internship.
Do you plan to work in the field of higher education as either a faculty member or a member of the administration?
Alternate Email Address (Non-BSU)
Primary Program Major
Major Not Declared
Accounting and Finance
Cert in Accounting & Finance
Creative Arts
Athletic Training
Aviation Science
Business Administration
Behavioral Sciences
Certificate in Accounting
Cert in Forensic Behavior
Certificate in Finance
Certificate in Geotechnology
Cert in Information Syst Mgmt
Cert Instructional Technology
Cert in Marketing Management
Certificate in Management
Cert in Operations Management
Cert Teach Engl-Spkrs Oth Lang
Cert in Coaching
Communication Studies
Cert in CPA Exam Prep
Cert in Computer Science
School Administration
Special Education
Unified Media Spec
Teacher of Art
Teacher of Behav Sci
Teacher of Biology
Teacher of Chemistry
Communication & Perform Arts
Teacher of Earth Sci
Teacher of English
Teacher of French
Teacher of Health
Teacher of History
Teacher of Mathematics
Teacher of Phys Ed
Teacher of Physics
Teacher of Social Sci
Middle School Generalist
Instructional Technology
Teacher of Mathematics (APT)
Teacher of Science (APT)
Teacher of Visual Art
Criminal Justice
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Early Childhood Education
Educ Leadership-School Bus Adm
Ed Leadership-Superv/Director
Educational Leadership
Educ Leadership-Principal Asst
Educ Leadership-Spec Educ Adm
Educ Leadership-Superintendent
Education PreK-12 Non-US
Elementary Education
Health Science
High School Education
Instructional Media
Physical Education
School Librarianship
Elementary School Mathematics
Exchange or Cross-Reg Program
Foreign Languages
General Science
Health Education
Health Promotion
Health Studies
Women's and Gender Studies
Cert in Investment & Fin Plng
Library Media Studies
Cert in Media Studies
Music Education
Natural Science & Mathematics
Public Administration
Cert in Public Affairs Mgmt
Cert in Paralegal Studies
Professional Chemistry
Physical Sciences
Political Science
Cert in Public Sector Mgmt
Social Work
Cert Sub Teachers Early Chldhd
Cert Sub Teachers Elementary
Social Studies
SpecEd ModDis/PreK-MS ElemTchr
Spec Ed Mod Disab/PreK-Mid Sch
Spec Ed Mod Disab/Mid-High Sch
Spec Ed Severe Disab-All Level
Teacher of Biology-High School
Teacher of Biology-Middle Schl
Teacher of Chemistry-High Schl
Teacher of Chemistry-Midd Schl
Teacher of Dance-All Levels
Teacher of Earth Sci-High Schl
Teacher of Earth Sci-Midd Schl
Teacher of English-High School
Teacher of English-Middle Schl
Teachg Engl toSpeakrs Oth Lang
Teacher of Hlth Family Cons Sc
Teacher of History-High School
Teacher of History-Middle Schl
Teacher of Mathematics-High Sc
Teacher of Mathematics-Midd Sc
Teacher Studnt Mod Dis/PreK-MS
Teacher Student Mod Dis/MS-HS
Teacher of Music-All Levels
Teacher Phys Ed/PreK-Midd Schl
Teacher Phys Ed/Midd-High Schl
Teacher of Physics-High School
Teacher of Physics-Middle Schl
Teacher Polit Sci/Philos-HghSc
Teacher Polit Sci/Philos-MidSc
Teacher Studnts Severe Disabil
Teacher Spanish/Midd-High Schl
Teacher of Theater-All Levels
Teacher Visual Art/PreK-MiddSc
Teacher Visual Art/Midd-HighSc
Cert Women and Gender Studies
Cert-Certified Public Manager
Art History:Global Perspective
Comm Sciences & Disorders
Early Educ and Care B-K BSE
Environmental Geoscience
Geological Sciences
Cert in STEM
Public Health
Cert Digital Tech for Educator
Speech-Language Pathology
Secondary Education
Cert Educ Neuorscience Appl
Cert Transition Specialist End
Teacher of Theatre-All Levels
Certificate in Urban Education
Cert in Applied Anthropology
Cert in Business Foundations
Education PreK-12
Studio Art
Theatre Arts
Theatre Education
Health Prof Pre-Med Science
Teacher Earth & Space Science
Cert Prof Tennis Management
Cert Teach Virt Online Setting
Clinical Psychology
Visual Arts
Cert Autism Endorsement
Cert in Bilingual Education
Cert. Online Course Design
Exercise Physiology
Photonics & Optical Eng
Childhood Studies
Cert in Higher Ed Administn
Cert Trauma/Victim Study Grad
Cert Social Emotional Learning
Cert Teach Virtual Online K-12
Art History
Certificate GIS Foundations
CybrSecur&Dig Forensics
Film and Video Arts Prod BA
Public Relations
Public Relations BA
Certificate Design Instruction
Are you preparing to become a teacher?
Are you of Cape Verdean descent?
Are you planning to become a teacher?
Do you intend to become a physical education teacher?
Are you currently enrolled in the MPA program?
Are you returning or starting school after the age of 25?
If you are a post-baccalaureate student, did you receive your undergraduate degree in history at BSU?
Not a post-baccalaureate student.
If you are not a graduating senior, are you an alum of BSU?
Graduating Senior
Have you served as an officer of a campus organization or participated as a member in multiple campus organizations?
Onsite Supervisor Email
If you have been working with BSU faculty to obtain this internship, please list them here.
Name of organization where you will be interning.
Please describe your financial need and how this scholarship will help you.
Please describe how you demonstrate involvement in student leadership and co-curricular activities.
Are you interested in teaching in an inclusion classroom?
Are you from a single-parent or no-parent household?
Do you plan on teaching special education at the middle - high school level?
As financial need is a consideration for this scholarship, please describe your financial need and how this scholarship would help you financially.
Do you have an interest in teaching special education in an inclusion classroom?
Please describe how you demonstrate a commitment to helping humankind through your knowledge and practice of psychology.
How did you find your internship?
Is this internship unpaid?
Is your internship remote, in-person or hybrid?
Is the internship site offering you pay for your internship?
Do you intend to go into a STEM related field?
Is your internship in the public sector?
Are you currently in good academic standing?
Please list your personal pronouns.
Are you receiving credit for your internship?
What industry is your internship in?
Are you willing to live in the local community during your study abroad trip?
Name and title of your onsite supervisor.
Please describe how you demonstrate the qualities of an outstanding public-school teacher.
How did you find your internship?
Have you previously received an internship stipend award from the Internship Program Office?
Are you a transfer student?
Are either of your parents work in the skilled trades?
Are you currently or have you previously served honorably in the United States Armed Forces?
Are you of Portuguese Ancestry?
Are your parents engaged in Christian Missionary Work?
Describe your internship role and anticipated responsibilities as you understand them to be.
Are you an international student?
Do you hold a leadership position(s) on campus that has the potential for shaping the development of students' roles and responsibilities.
Is your study abroad program for at least one semester?
Is this opportunity remote, in person, or both?
Please describe in detail how you display leadership in student organizations, community engagement/service to others and a commitment to improving the college experience for your peers.
Primary College
Education and Allied Studies
Humanities and Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Across Collg
Science & Mathematics-Bartlett
Ed. & Allied Stud. (Now EH)
Ed. & Allied Stud.
Educ & Allied Studies
Education and Health Sciences
Please describe how you demonstrate a high interest in pursuing a career in psychology, and demonstrate openness to innovative thinking and problem solving.
If one or both of your parents work in the skilled trades, please list and explain which trades they work in. (If you answered no, please type N/A.)
Are you pursuing a career in the field of journalism?
Are you pursuing a course of study preparing you to teach at the elementary school level?
Are you of Jewish descent?
Are you employed during the day and pursuing course of study at night?
In the fall I will be considered a (Based on Completed Number of Credits):
Freshman (0-23 credits)
Sophomore (24-53 credits)
Junior (54-83 credits)
Senior (84+ credits)
Graduate Student at BSU Only
I will not be enrolled for the Fall
Why should you be selected to receive an internship stipend award? Is there anything that the selection committee should know about your candidacy?
Primary Program
Acctg&Finance-Accounting Conc
Acctg&Finance-Finance Conc
Anthropology-Cultural Conc
Inactive Code
Anthropology-General Conc
Anthro-Public Archaeology Conc
Creative Arts-MAT
Art-Crafts Concentration
Art-Art Education Conc
Art-Fine Arts Conc
Art-Graphic Design Conc
Art-New Media Conc
Art-Photography Conc
Art-Art History Conc
Athletic Training-BS
Athletic Training-MS
Aviation Science- Av Mgmt Conc
Aviation Sci-Airport Mgmt Conc
Aviation Sci-Flight Train Conc
Bus Admin-Accounting Conc-MBA
Bus Admin-Management Conc-MBA
Business Administration-MBA
Biology-Cell/Molecular Conc
Biology-Ecological Conc
Biology-Secondary Educ Conc
Biology-Environmental Conc
Biology-General Conc-Standard
Biology-Gen/Teacher Prep Conc
Biology-Biomedical Conc
Bio-Biomed/Molecular BioM Area
Bio-Biomed/Molec MolecularArea
Accounting Graduate Cert
Accounting Undergrad Cert
Forensic Behavior Cert
Finance Graduate Cert
Finance Undergrad Cert
Geotechnology Graduate Cert
Info Systems Mgt Graduate Cert
Instructional Tech Grad Cert
Marketing Mgmt Graduate Cert
Marketing Mgmt Undergrad Cert
Management Graduate Cert
Management Undergrad Cert
Operations Mgt Undergrad Cert
Chemistry-Biochemistry Conc
Chemistry-Environmental Conc
Chemistry-Professional Conc
Chemistry-Geology - BS
Counsel-Higher Educ Conc-MEd
Counsel-MentalHlth DualLic-MEd
Counsel-Mental Health-CAGS
Counsel-Mental Health Conc-MEd
Counsel-Student Affairs Cn-MEd
Counsel- School Counsel - CAGS
Counsel-School PreK-MS MEd
Counsel-School PreK-MS PM
Counsel-School MS-HS MEd
Counsel-School MS-HS PM
Comm Studies-Corporate Comm Cn
Comm Studies-Comm&Culture Conc
Comm Studies-Dance Educ Conc
CommStudies-Film Video MediaCn
Comm Studies-Individualized Cn
Comm Studies-Media&CommTech Cn
Comm Studies-Strategic Comm Cn
Comm Studies-Speech Comm Conc
Comm Arts&Sci-Comm Studies Cnc
Comm Studies-Theater Arts Cnc
Comm Arts&Sci-Theat Dance Spch
Comm Studies-Theater Educ Cnc
Criminal Justice-BS
Crim Just-Adm ofJustice Cnc-MS
Crim Just-Crime&CorrectnCnc-MS
Crim Justice-Victimology Conc
Criminal Justice-MS
Computer Science-BS
Computer Science-MS
Earth Sciences-BA
Earth Sciences-BS
Earth Sci-Environ Geosci Conc
Earth Sci-Geology Conc
Early Childhood Education-BSE
Early Child Ed-Init Licens-MEd
Early Child Ed NonLicens - MEd
Early ChildEd-Ed&CarePreK-K Cn
Early Child Ed-Prof Licens-MEd
Early Childhood Education-MEd
Early Childhood Education-PB
Ed Leadrshp Schl Bus InitLc-CG
EdLeadrshp Schl Bus InitLc-MEd
Ed Leadrshp Schl Bus InitLc-PB
Ed Leadrshp Schl Bus InitLc-PM
Ed Leadrshp Supv/Dir InitLc-CG
Ed LeadrshpSupv/Dir InitLc-MEd
Ed Leadrshp Supv/Dir InitLc-PB
Ed Leadrshp Supv/Dir InitLc-PM
Educational Leadership-CAGS
Educ Leadership Init Licens-CG
Ed Leadership Init Licens-MEd
Educ Leadership NonLicens-CAGS
Educ Leadership NonLicens-MEd
Educational Leadership-MEd
Educational Leadership-PB
Educational Leadership-PM
Ed LeadrshpPrincipal InitLc-CG
Ed LeadrshpPrincipal InitLcMEd
Ed LeadrshpPrincipal InitLc-PB
Ed LeadrshpPrincipal InitLc-PM
EdLeadrshp SpecEdAdm InitLc-CG
EdLeadrshp SpecEdAdm InitLc-PM
EdLeadrshpSuperintdt InitLc-CG
EdLeadrshpSuperintdt InitLc-PM
Education PreK-12 NonUS - MEd
Elementary Education-BSE
Elem Educ-Initial Licens-MEd
Elem Educ NonLicensure - MEd
Elem Educ-Profess Licens-MEd
Elem Ed-Spec Ed Dual Lc Conc
Elementary Education-MEd
Elementary Education-PB
English-Creative Writing Cn-MA
English-English Education Conc
English-Writing Conc
English-Writ&Writing StudiesCn
Exchange Graduate Level
Exchange Undergraduate Level
Geography-Environmental Conc
Geography-General Conc
Geography-Regnl&Econ Plan Conc
Geography-Geotechnology Conc
General Science-MAT
Health Education-BS
Health Educ-Community Hlth Cnc
Health Educ-School Health Conc
Health Promotion-MEd
Health Studies-BS
Hlth Studies-Community Hlth Cn
Hlth Studies-School Health Cnc
History-Military History Conc
Women&Gender Studies Grad Cert
Instructional Tech NonLicens-M
Instructional Technology-MEd
Instructional Technology-PB
Instructional Technology-PM
Mass TR Block at BSU
Management-Accounting Conc-MS
Management-Energy/Env Res Conc
Managemt-Global Management Cnc
Management-General Mgmt Conc
Management-Info Syst Mgmt Conc
Management-Marketing Conc
Management-Marketing Conc-MS
Management-Organiz Devl Cnc-MS
Management-Operations Mgt Conc
Management-Technol Mgt Conc-MS
Management-Transportation Conc
Management-Accounting Conc-MSM
Management-Marketing Conc-MSM
Management-Organiz Dev Cnc-MSM
Management-Technol Mgt Cnc-MSM
Music Education-MAT
Music-Music Education Conc
Non-Degree Graduate Level Std
Non-Degree Undergrad Level Std
Public Administration-MPA
Public Adm-Civic&Nonprofit Adm
Public Adm-Financial Adm Conc
Public Adm-Munic&Reg Dev Mg Cn
Public Adm-Nonprofit Adm Conc
Public Adm-Sustain Commun Dev
Physical Education-BA
Phys Ed-Adapted Phys Ed Conc-M
Phys Ed-Athletic Train Educ Cn
Phys Ed-Applied Kinesiol Cn-MS
Phys Ed-AdaptedPE&Sport Conc-M
Phys Ed-Athletic Training Conc
Phys Ed-Athletic Train Conc-MS
Phys Ed-Coaching Conc
Phys Ed-Exer Sci/Hlth Fitn Cnc
Phys Ed-Hum Prf&Hlth FitnCnc-M
Phys Ed-Individualized Conc-MS
Phys Ed-Motor Dv Thr/Adapt Cnc
Phys Ed-Recreation Conc
Phys Ed-Rec&Fitn Club Adm Conc
Phys Ed-Strength&Condition Cnc
Phys Ed-Sport&Human Perf Cnc-M
Phys Ed-Teacher Lic PrK-MS Cnc
Phys Ed-Teacher Lic MS-HS Conc
Physical Sciences-MAT
Physics-General Conc
Physics-Professional Conc
Philosophy-Applied Ethics Conc
Political Science-BA
Political Sci-Amer Politics Cn
Political Sci-Intl Affairs Con
Political Sci-Legal Studies Cn
Political Sci-Public Admin Cnc
Prerequisite Checking
Psych-Child Psychology Conc
Psych-Industrial/Organiz Conc
Psych-Indust/Pers Conc
Psych-Medical Psych Conc
Psych-Medical Health Conc
Social Work-BS
Social Work-MSW
Social Work-Adv Standing MSW
Sociology-City Comm&Region Cnc
Sociology-Education Conc
Sociology-Global Studies Conc
Sociology-Global&SocialJust Cn
Sociology-Third World Conc
Spanish-Secondary Educ Conc
Special Education-MEd
Spec Educ-Comm Disorders Conc
Spec Educ-Mod Dis PreK-MS Conc
Spec Educ-Mod Dis Midd-HS Conc
Spec Educ NonLicensure - MEd
Spec Educ-Severe Disab Conc
SpEd ModDis PrK-MSElTch/InLc-M
SpEd Mod Dis PrK-ElEd Dual MEd
Sp Ed Mod Dis PrK-MS/Init Lc-M
Sp Ed Mod Dis PrK-MS/Prof Lc-M
Sp Ed Mod Dis MS-HS Init Lc-M
Sp Ed Mod Dis MS-HS/Prof Lc-M
Spec Ed Severe Dis/Init Lc-MEd
Spec Ed Severe Dis/Prof Lc-MEd
Teacher of Biology High Sc-APB
Teacher Biology High School-PB
Teacher of Biology Midd Sc-APB
Teacher Biology Middle Schl-PB
Teacher Chemistry High Sch-APB
Teacher Chemistry High Schl-PB
Teacher Chemistry Midd Sch-APB
Teacher Chemistry Midd Schl-PB
Teacher Dance All Levels-APB
Teacher of Dance All Levels-PB
Teacher Earth Sci High Sch-APB
Teacher Earth Sci High Schl-PB
Teacher Earth Sci Midd Sch-APB
Teacher Earth Sci Midd Schl-PB
Teacher English High Schl-APB
Teacher English High School-PB
Teacher English Midd Schl-APB
Teacher English Middle Schl-PB
Teach Eng SpeakrOth Lang GCert
Tch EngSpkOthrLang/Init Lc-MAT
Tch EngSpkOthr Lang/NonLc-MAT
Teach Hlth Family Consm Sci-PB
Teacher History High Schl-APB
Teacher History High School-PB
Teacher History Midd Schl-APB
Teacher History Middle Schl-PB
Teacher Mathematics HighSc-APB
Teacher Mathematics High Sc-PB
Teacher Mathematics MiddSc-APB
Teacher Mathematics Midd Sc-PB
Teacher Stds Mod Dis PrK-MS-PB
Teacher Stds Mod Dis MS-HS-PB
Teacher Music All Levels-APB
Teacher of Music All Levels-PB
Teacher Phys Ed PreK-MiddS-PB
Teacher Phys Ed Midd-HighSc-PB
Teacher Physics High Schl-APB
Teacher Physics High School-PB
Teacher Physics Midd Schl-APB
Teacher Physics Middle Schl-PB
Teacher PoliSci/Philos HgS-APB
Teacher PoliSci/Philos MdS-APB
Teacher Stds Severe Disabil-PB
Teacher Spanish Mid-HighSc-APB
Teacher Spanish Mid-High Sc-PB
Teacher Theatre All Levels-APB
Teacher Theatre All Levels-PB
Teacher Visual Art PreK-MS-APB
Teacher Visual Art PreK-MS-PB
Teacher Visual Art Md-HghS-APB
Teacher Visual Art Mid-HSch-PB
APB Program-No Longer Offered
BA Program-No Longer Offered
BS Program-No Longer Offered
BSE Program-No Longer Offered
CAGS Program-No Longer Offered
G Cert Prog-No Longer Offered
U Cert Prog-No Longer Offered
MA Program-No Longer Offered
MAT Program-No Longer Offered
MEd Program-No Longer Offered
MS Program-No Longer Offered
MSM Program-No Longer Offered
PB Program-No Longer Offered
PM Program-No Longer Offered
CommStudies-Theater Perform Cn
Mathematics-Pure MathematicsCn
Mathematics-Statistics Conc
Certified Public Mgr Grad Cert
Couns-MentalHlth IntlNonLics-M
Art History:Global Perspective
Management-Global Mgmt Cnc
Philosophy-Analytic PhilosConc
Philosophy-History of PhilConc
Phys Ed-Teach GamesUnderstCn-M
Comm Sciences & Disorders-BS
Early Education & Care-BSE
Environmental Geoscience
Geological Sciences-BA
Geological Sciences-BS
Philos-Social & Political Conc
Music-Classical Perform Conc
Physics-Prof Astrophysics Conc
Physics-Prof Applied Phys Conc
STEM Graduate Certificate
Public Health-BS
Digital Tech for Educ Grad Cer
Managment-Human Resources Conc
Reading-Lang Lit Culture Conc
Managment-Op&Sup Chain Mgt Con
Music-Jazz Studies Conc
Sociology-Urban Sociology Cnc
Speech-Language Pathology-MS
Teacher of HistoryMSHS-APB
Secondary Ed High Sch Conc
Teacher of English MSHS-APB
Comm Studies-Theatre Arts Cnc
English-Comp&Rhetoric Cn-MA
Ed Neuroscience Appl-Grad Cert
Transition Spec End Grad Cert
Physics-Prof Optics Conc
Elem Ed-Double Degree Conc
Elem Ed-Prof Lic STEM - MEd
Urban Education Graduate Cert
Applied Anthropology Grad Cert
Business Foundations Grad Cert
Comm Studies-Public Relations
Elem Ed-Prof Lic App Tech-MEd
Music Education-BA
PreK-12 Education Non-Lic -MEd
Studio Art-Art Education Conc
Studio Art-Art History Conc
Studio Art-Fine Arts Conc
Studio Art-Graphic Design Conc
Studio Art-Photography Conc
Theatre Arts-BA
Theatre Education-BA
English-Literature&Film Cn-MA
Health Prof PreMed Sci PB
Tch Earth & Space Sci HS-APB
Studio Art-Crafts Concen
Sec Ed Middle-High Sch Conc
Prof Tennis Mgt Grad Cert
Clinical Psychology-MA
Ed LeadrshpPrincipal InitLc-ES
EdLeadrshp SpecEdAdm InitLc-ES
English-Literature Conc
Health Science
Hlth Sci-Pre-Athletic Train Cn
Hlth Sci-Pre-Occup Therapy Cnc
Hlth Sci-Pre-Phys Therapy Conc
Phys Ed-Prof Tennis Mgmt Con-M
Sec Ed PreK-High Sch Conc
Tch Virt Online Set Grad Cert
Ea Child Ed-Prof Lic STEM-MEd
Music-Pre-Music Therapy Conc
English-Creative Writing Conc
Visual Arts-MAT
Physics-Applied Physics Conc
Physics-Astrophysics Conc
Ea Child Ed-Double Degree Conc
English-Linguistics Conc-MA
Ed Leadrshp Supv/Dir InitLc-ES
Physics-Optics Concentration
Geography-Env Sust&Climate Con
Autism Endorsement Grad Cert
Phys Ed-Coaching Educa Conc-MS
Bilingual Education Grad Cert
Geography-Applied Geog Conc
Educ Leadership NonLicens-EDS
CyberCrim&CyberSecur GR Cert
EaChildEd-Prof Lic Ap Tech-MEd
Ed Leadership Higher Ed-MEd
Online Course Design Cert.
Geography-Geog & Int'l Dev Con
Comm Stu-Comm&Media Stud Conc.
Comm Stu-Film&Video Arts Conc.
EdLeadshp SpecEdAdm InitLc-MEd
Exercise Physiology BS
Geog Env and Conservation Conc
Geography-Geog for Educ Conc
Photonics and Optic Eng-BS
Geog Sustain Global Sys Conc
Counsel-School Adjustmt.-PM
Physics Secondary Ed Conc BS
CJ Trauma & Victim Conc.
Childhood Studies-BA
Early Ed & Care Birth-K BSE
Biology MS
Elem Ed Spec Ed Concen.
Higher Ed Admin Online GR Cert
Physical Science-MA
Spanish Early Child Educ Conc
Elem Ed-Lit Teachr Profsnl
Ea Chldhd-Lit Teachr Profsnl
CJ Restor've &Transform Conc.
Physics Secondary Ed Conc BA
Dance Ed for Educators Conc
Trauma/Victim Study Grad Cert.
Political Sci-AmPol& Policy Cn
Cert Social Emotional Learning
CrimJust Racial& Soc Just Conc
CrimJust Youth & Juvenile Conc
EdLeadrshpSuperintdt InitLc-ES
PhysEd- AthPerf/Hlth Fitn Conc
Reading NonLicens-EdS
Soc Emotionl Learng Grad Cert
Reading Intl Licens-EdS
Teach Virt/Online K-12 UG Cert
Biology-Ecology & Evol Conc
Art History BA
Biology-Biomed & Pre-Med Conc
Biology-Cellu & Molecular Conc
Cybrsecrty & Dig Forensics-BS
Film and Video Arts Prod BA
GIS Foundations Graduate Cert.
Mathematics MS
Public Relations BA
Public Relations MA
Read Intl Lic SpEd ModDis MEd
Suprt All Lrnr Us Intech Gcert
Ed Leadrshp Schl Bus InitLc-ES
Spec Ed Applied Beh Analy M.Ed
Please describe how you demonstrate a commitment to community service.
Is there anything else you want to share about your internship?
Please describe how you demonstrate a passion for journalism and an interest in pursuing a career in the field.
Please describe how you meet the criteria of being a hardworking and focused student.
Have you applied or are planning to apply to law school?
The intent of this award is to help those with limited financial means, who might not be able to attend the University without the benefit of this scholarship. Please describe how you meet this criteria.
Will you be conducting your research during the upcoming fall semester?
FINANCIAL AID AUTHORIZATION CONSENT TO RELEASE FINANCIAL NEED INFORMATION The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C Section 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Schools must have written permission to release student record information. If you wish to authorize the Bridgewater State University Financial Aid Office to disclose information tot he Internship Program Office for the purpose of consideration of an internship stipend award, you must check the "I Agree" box below. For purposes of this funding application process, the Financial Aid Office will only release information about your level of demonstrated need for financial aid. Details of your financial aid application will not be shared. By consenting to this release, you the student, certify that you are granting the Financial Aid Office permission to release your financial need information for the purpose of being considered for an internship stipend award to be administered by the Internship Program Office
Please describe how you meet the criteria of having financial need.
If yes, when do you plan to take (or took) the LSAT (if you answered no please type N/A)?
Student Level
High School Course for HS GPA
Non-Credit Course
Youth Program
Your internship title (if you have one)
By typing my name and the date below, I agree to represent myself and my school in a professional manner and complete all assigned duties. I also agree to initiate contact (email, phone or in person) with BSU's Internship Program Director twice during my internship.
Please describe how you meet the criteria of having financial need.
Do you plan to pursue graduate study?
Are you currently or have you previously served honorably in the United States Armed Services?
Are you a first generation student (first in your family to attend college)?
I identify as an international student or a student with family from one of the below South Asian Countries (If you do not identify with one of those countries in one of the ways presented then please select I do not identify with one of these countries)
I do not identify with one of these countries
INTERNSHIP FUNDING AGREEMENT: By signing below, I acknowledge the expectations that come with an internship stipend award. I also understand that I am representing Bridgewater State University in my actions associated with this internship.