Dr. Carolyn Petrosino Challenging Racial Bigotry and Strengthening Unity Scholarship

The Scholarship will provide support for undergraduate students. Students who are eligible to apply for and receive
the Scholarship must meet the following criteria:
A. Be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student as defined by Bridgewater policy.
B. Demonstrate good academic achievement as defined by Bridgewater policy.
C. Demonstrate understanding of and an effort to promote racial justice and unity through the vehicle of
a completed academic work or product (e.g., course work, independent study, honors, service
learning, internship, including performance or visual arts) that results in an academic paper or series
of papers.
D. Provide a faculty support letter and a personal narrative explaining why their work merits consideration.
E. Financial need, as determined by The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services, will be considered
when all other criteria have been equally met among the most eligible candidates.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please explain how you demonstrate understanding of and an effort to promote racial justice and unity through the vehicle of a completed academic work or product (e.g., course work, independent study, honors, service learning, internship, including performance or visual arts) that results in an academic paper or series of papers.
  2. Please provide a personal narrative explaining why your work merits consideration.
  3. Please request a letter of recommendation from a BSU faculty member. Please notify that person of your request and to expect to receive an email from BSU.