Anthony Domingos Memorial Art Fund

The Anthony Domingos Award in Painting and Drawing/Print, was created in honor of an artist from the town of Bridgewater, who was a friend of Bridgewater State College (prior to its University status). The award goes to a student who shows notable achievement in painting and/or drawing/print. Preference is given to a student with a major or minor in art. Freshman not applicable.

Please click here for the portfolio template.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a copy of your current degree audit.
  2. The award goes to students who show notable achievement in painting and/or drawing/print. Select those that apply.
  3. This award is intended for a student working toward achieving a degree from BSU. At least three requirements within the Foundation Program must be fulfilled on your degree audit (this may include transfer courses). These courses are ART 104, ARTH 103 or ARTH 104, ARTS 125, ARTS 130, ARTS 140. Select course work completed.
  4. If you have received this award in the past, please list the academic year(s) received?
  5. Please upload a PDF of your portfolio. Please use the template we have provided which can be found by clicking the link in the scholarship description.