BSU Alumni Legacy Fund

BSU Alumni Legacy Fund will benefit a full-time student or students based upon both scholastic achievement and financial need and will be open to sophomores, juniors and seniors making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree. The alumni office will work with financial aid to determine students with financial need and good academic standing. These students will be invited to apply for the scholarship. The award will be renewable based upon annual reviews of continued need and scholastic standing as the Alumni Legacy Scholars matriculate through to their eventual graduation.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your academic program, achievements and career goals.
  2. How do you plan to stay connected to BSU after graduation?
  3. Describe your extracurricular activities including employment, participation in university activities, leadership roles, community service to the university and your own community.
  4. Please request a letter of recommendation from a faculty member, administrator or employer. Please notify that person of your request and to expect an email from BSU. You are responsible for ensuring the letter of recommendation is submitted by the deadline to complete your application for review.